Use our AI software to quickly perform Test Fits for your clients with your furniture library
Test Fits For Furniture Dealers & Suppliers
Test Fits for furniture dealers are a valuable service provided by Daily As Built in collaboration with Arcalogix. If you have a client that needs furniture, all we need is a 2D floor plan to start the test fit. We convert the 2D Floor Plan into a 3D model and then start placing your furniture into the spaces.

Product Access
Tap into our extensive product library categorized by brand or dealership. Or if you prefer we can also give you the ability to add your own product library and use our AI software along with your design teams to perform your own test fits with your clients.
Effortless Integration
Seamlessly integrate furniture into 3D layouts with a simple drag and drop interface. Your clients will see exactly what the space will look like with the furniture you helped them pick out.
Collaboration with Brokers
Collaborate with brokers using CRE (Commercial Real Estate) strategy for business development. You can use our AI software to work with brokers towards the beginning of the space conversations versus the end.
Revolutionizing Test Fits
PDF to 3D Models
We use advanced AI technology from Arcalogix to seamlessly transform 2D floor plans into immersive 3D models within seconds.
If you don’t have a 2D floor plan we can measure the space and generate one for you quickly.
Your Furniture Library
You have the option to upload your furniture library into our software or you can use our vast furniture library. Once uploaded your furniture and pricing will be used when your clients or those referred to you are performing test fits.
Work with Our Architects or Your Design Team
Our interactive 3D models are edited by Arcalogix in-house architects in real-time with you and your client on a video call.
The architects can move walls, add your furniture, change materials and more. If you prefer, we can train your design team to use our AI software.
Real Time Editing
Experience the power of our real-time editing feature that puts tenants and occupiers in the driver’s seat. Decisions are made much quicker as they can visually see what they are looking to purchase within their space.
Dynamic Updates
All live edits in our AI cost estimating tool dynamically update, allowing prospective tenants to quickly determine if the test-fit aligns with their budget requirements.
Schedule a Demo
Do You Want to See a Demo?
Are you a furniture dealer looking to stream line test fits? With a simple 2D PDF floor plan we can convert it to a 3D model and get to work. Within minutes you can start to add your furniture to the 3D model and virtual walk through. The system is set up to also dynamically update with your furniture prices.
If you don’t have a floor plan, we can help you get one of those as well.
Daily As Built
(512) 730-0291
As Built Floor Plans
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